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13 White Roses Arrangement Vase





Gift Product

Short Description

This white rose arrangement consisting of 13 white roses in a glass vase is the perfect gift for any special occasion or celebration. The arrangement is carefully prepared by our expert florists using the finest quality large-headed white roses.


Same day service available until 10:00 pm.

About this Item

White roses arrengement in vase


This white rose arrangement consisting of 13 white roses in a glass vase is the

perfect gift for any special occasion or celebration. The arrangement is carefully

prepared by our expert florists using the finest quality large-headed white roses.

Our white roses are sourced from Ecuador and are carefully selected for their

freshness and longevity. They are grown in high altitude regions of Ecuador and

have long stems that give them a grand and impressive appearance.

White Roses

white roses arrengement in vase, the glass vase is chosen specifically to enhance the natural beauty of the

white roses. It has an elegant and sophisticated look that complements any home decor.

This special arrangement is a perfect choice to delight your loved ones and is ideal

for any special occasion, celebration or just as a surprise.

Please note that as flowers are seasonal, some flower varieties may vary throughout

the year. However, our expert florists will carefully select the freshest and highest

quality flowers for your arrangement.

13 White Roses Arrangement Vase Daily Fast Delivery

Fast delivery service to Antalya and its surrounding areas

We deliver your flower orders daily to specific regions with our own fleet of vehicles and team. We offer daily delivery services in three main regions, namely Antalya city center, Serik hotel region, and Kemer hotel region.

Fast delivery to Kundu, Belek, Bogazkent, Kadriye, Serik, and Side hotel regions

For our customers in the Serik hotel region, we deliver your flower orders daily to Kundu, Belek, Boğazkent, Kadriye, Serik, Side, and Evrenseki hotel addresses with our special vehicles and team. You can send flowers to any address in these regions on any date and time you want. Additionally, you can also order the flowers you like online on our website, and we will deliver them to the address you have chosen.

Fast delivery to Konyaaltı, Beldibi, Göynük, Kemer, Çamyuva, and Tekirova hotel regions

We strive to deliver flower orders quickly in the Kemer region as well. Our vehicles operate on a daily service route that includes Konyaaltı, Beldibi, Göynük, Kemer, Çamyuva, and Tekirova hotel regions. We offer a special delivery service with our vehicles and personnel to deliver the flowers you have chosen online to the customers in these regions on the date and time range they want.

Safe and timely delivery

We deliver your flower orders to all specified regions daily with our own vehicles. By ordering online on our website, we deliver your orders to any hotel or address you want on the date and time range you prefer with our vehicles and personnel. Thus, your flowers are delivered on time and safely.

Always fresh flowers

We take great care to ensure that the flowers we use are always fresh and of high quality. However, some flowers may not be available in our stock due to seasonal factors or may be more difficult to find in a certain season. In such cases, we try to complete your orders by using other flowers that have similar color, type, or style features. Thus, we do our best to offer the most beautiful and high-quality flowers at all times.

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